Sustainable Communities for Climate Action in the Yucatan Peninsula

The Project

ACCIÓN seeks to increase the climate resilience of vulnerable communities, ecosystems, and productive systems on the coasts of the Yucatan Peninsula through ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) and sustainable livelihoods. 


ACCIÓN is a project based on FMCN’s more than 27 years of experience in marine-coastal issues and aims to be financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The project is currently in the design phase and is expected to be implemented in 2025-2030.

The lines of work (components) that guide ACCIÓN activities are:

  1. EbA actions in coastal and seascapes: This component will focus on field activities to restore the natural resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and their communities. A call for subprojects will be made with two objectives:
    I.Conservation and restoration subprojects to improve coastal and marine ecosystem management (corals, dunes, mangroves, seagrass).
    II. Productive subprojects to improve business skills of sustainable community-based enterprises (CBE) and strengthen productive groups that have marine-coastal activities (small-scale fishing, aquaculture, sustainable tourism).

  2. Sustainable financing to scale EbA projects: This component focuses on mobilizing funding to scale up the activities carried out in component 1 at a community level. It has two main strategies; a) Conservation and restoration financing: Expanding the parametric coral reef insurance of the Mesoamerican Reef Fund to other regions or sectors that are vulnerable to similar ecological degradation.; b) Finance productive activities: Designing and implementing an impact credit scheme.

  3. Knowledge management and coordination with existing public policies and projects: This component aims to enhance effective knowledge management to inform decision-making at all levels. Activities will be implemented to facilitate decision-making through exchanging best practices and promoting spaces for regional coordination. Efforts will also be made to strengthen local instruments and regional mechanisms that contribute to reducing vulnerability to climate change, including existing coordination initiatives for small-scale fisheries, blue carbon, and early warning systems.

ACCIÓN is currently in the design phase and is expected to be implemented in 2025-2030.

Analysis and diagnostics


During 2023 and 2024, FMCN will focus on the project design with GCF preparation resources through various consultancies. Studies are being carried out related to assessing the vulnerability of communities to climate change, gender analysis, and the identification of ecosystem-based adaptation initiatives in the region. The ACCIÓN project is expected to be implemented in 2025-2030.
Learn more about the project: 


Donor: Green Climate Fund

Partner: Sureste Sostenible, A. C.

Analysis and diagnostics for the preparation of the ACCIÓN project

Access the videos and documents that present the results of the analyses and diagnostics carried out for the preparation of the ACCIÓN project