
Audubon Leadership Conference 2023: Uniting Efforts for Bird Conservation

The 2023 Audubon Leadership Conference "Flying Together For Birds" was held from November 2 to 6 in Denver, Colorado, bringing together over 350 participants from countries such as Alaska, Canada, Belize, Bahamas, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia, Bolivia, and Chile. The goal of the meeting was achieved: experiences were shared, relationships were strengthened, and a roadmap was created to work for birds, ecosystems, and communities.

The participation of student leaders and strategic partners such as the Calidris Association, BirdLife International Americas, Bahamas National Trust, Audubon Alaska National Audubon Society, Belize Audubon Society, Fondo Acción por Colombia, Pronatura Mexico, Seal River Watershed Initiative, the Audubon Society of Panama, the National Network of Bird Observers of Colombia (RNOA), the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC), the Chilean Observers Network, Icesi University, and the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature (FMCN) stood out. This event marked a milestone in collaboration for bird conservation, where Audubon announced the launch of the Conserva Aves in LATAM project. This initiative supports the creation, management, strengthening, and sustainability of protected areas to safeguard endangered endemic and declining migratory birds. The goal is to protect 2 million hectares in nine countries.

Additionally, Audubon emphasized its interest in promoting National Strategies for Bird Conservation in LATAM, a process they have started in Colombia, and mentioned that they hope to continue promoting this initiative in the rest of the countries in the region, with Peru and Mexico being one of their priorities.

During the Conference, various discussion tables were organized to improve Audubon's internal processes, including communication, goal setting, and research lines. These dialogues were crucial for aligning efforts and sharing experiences in conservation topics. Moreover, Audubon Americas led two notable activities: a discussion table on indigenous territories and protected natural areas in Canada. The Americans Flyways Initiative was also mentioned, a collaboration between BirdLife International, National Audubon Society, and CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, which seeks to finance conservation and restoration actions through low-interest loans.

To learn more about the Audubon Network, visit this link.